Go here, seriously:
Unexpectedly Misty Eyed
As with many good blogs, the real treasure is in the comments.
I wouldn't have thought Elissa was ready for Calvin & Hobbes yet, but I may be wrong. I might pull out one of the compilations I have and see what she thinks. Isaac is quite a way from reading them, although he's somewhat more Calvin-like, in terms of raw ability to increase the entropy in his local environment.
I may have mentioned previously, but some of my Star Wars action figures have made an (admittedly minor) comeback. My lego has also been popular lately, with both of the kids, so no complaints here. Not that the kids are short of new toys...
Note: I don't believe the original artist has yet been identified, so I'm using this under what I consider to be fair use until I hear otherwise. My apologies if you're reading this with no comic attached.