Monday, 25 June 2007

Height comparison pictures

A couple of weeks back I took more pics of the kids to track their heights, I haven't actually measured them yet, in terms of cm though.

I expected that Isaac would've made the most noticeable jump in the 3 months or so since I last took them, but it would seem that Elissa has grown more in this particular time period.

Based on other pictures of Elissa at the same age, she had more teeth, but Isaac has more hair.

It looks as though he's standing on his own, but he's using the wall for support, as he isn't really standing un-assisted at this point. He's happily cruising around furniture and that sort of thing, and will occasionally turn and attempt to lean towards something or someone of interest. I'd guess walking wont be far away (a few weeks?), but he's not quite there yet.

The photos are taken in front of the side panel beside the fridge, just to the left of the touchscreen. Providing we don't remodel downstairs too drastically (like that's going to happen), I should be able to do this for some time, or at least until the kids decide it's too uncool.

We haven't yet reached the point where I can put the pics of Elissa and Isaac at the same age side by side. I didn't start this series with Elissa until she was over 18 months old, so it'll be a little while yet. Where I have put them side by side, as below, the pair with Elissa on the left and Isaac on the right as you look at them, were taken on the same day.

If you click on any of the images, you'll be taken to our Flickr pages, where you can see larger versions, amongst other things. If you're using Firefox, and have a mouse with a wheel, clicking on a link with the wheel opens the link in a new tab automatically. Thankyou FireFox.

Elissa with blue tongue

Elissa with blue tongue
Originally uploaded by SusanneAndJohn
This blog will almost certainly not be a daily kind of deal, however, as it's new, and I'm messing around to see how it works, there may be a flurry of activity early on.

This photo was taken at George & Margaret's place, for Alex's naming, on 17/06/2007. Elissa had eaten the top off a blue cupcake.

This was taken on my phone camera , at Norm's request, as we didn't have regular cameras with us, so the quality is a little unspectacular.

Sunday, 24 June 2007

Visits and costumes

Katrina & Doug came by today, bringing with them some loot from Mum & Dad (Kaye and John), namely a hat and scarf for Elissa, and a beanie for Isaac. There were also (of course) some lollies which Elissa spotted and consumed pretty quickly.

This is Elissa modelling the new gear. She seems pretty happy with it. I'm sure you'll be shocked to hear that this was one of the few pictures in which she didn't have a huge ear to ear, fake grin.

Below is Isaac just before taking the hat off. We have enough trouble keping his socks on him, so regardless of how cute it does or doesn't look, I'm not sure this will be a heavily worn item.

A typical Sunday

Far from a momentous start, I know, but you've got to start somewhere.

I've put off blogging for a long time, and, to be honest, I'm still not convinced the world wants/needs to hear my thoughts on anything in particular. However, I'm beginning to think it may well be a useful medium for keeping in touch with family (primarily) and friends. So here 'tis.

Depending on how well it's received, I'm hoping this will be a collaborative effort, so you should be hearing from Susanne, too. In fact, if it is well received, you should probably hear more from Susanne than me.
