We're almost certainly going to have to "Child proof" the place more seriously in the not too distant future. Elissa was always curious about her environment, but either learnt to respond to "no" more quickly, or simply preferred her toys. Isaac responds to "no" also, but generally by looking at you, smiling, and then doing exactly what he intended anyway. I regularly follow him as he traverses the entire kitchen, pulling on every door and drawer handle along the way. I wasn't here at the time, but I believe he's already sent one bowl to the great kiln in the sky.
It's not as though he doesn't understand "no" either. I've seen him crawl towards Elissa while she's playing with something that she feels isn't appropriate for sharing, only to have her put up a palm and say "no" in a stern voice when he's still half way across the room. He'll stop crawling, sit up and complain/cry as if he's been physically restrained. I don't know where she learnt that, although it's not entirely unlike the command(s) she gives to Lisa's dog(s), so maybe it's a derivative of that. It's not a 100% effective tactic however, as I've seen her hold a toy above her head, out of Isaac's reach, only to have him happily stand and attempt climb over her to get it. That's when Elissa becomes the source of the complaints.

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