It's funny to think that it was only a few weeks ago we were discussing that it seemed to us that Isaac may not have been as interested in reading as we remembered Elissa being at the same age. Apart from the fact that my memory cannot be trusted at the best of times, our concern was unfounded. He'll now regularly trot forwards and back from us to a book shelf/pile (of which there are now a few to choose from around the house) with book after book.
We took the kids for a quick trip up to a new shopping centre not far from home. Outside one of the play areas they've got a large wall set up as a blackboard with buckets of chalk and dusters for the kids to use as they see fit. They both seemed to enjoy it.

This was just a trip to the shops, do we didn't take the "proper" camera. It's times like this that the phone camera is quite handy, and for a quick snap it does a reasonable job. I didn't get any pictures of them in the playground, as we were too buys playing and such. Not taking enough pictures isn't something I lose a lot of sleep over.

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