Today, while Elissa and Susanne were out, Norm and Lyn dropped by. Isaac seemed to sense that there was "stuff" to be had, and woke up 90 minutes into what has typically been between 2 and 3 hours of his lunchtime sleep.

Here he is opening the first item of loot he spotted when I brought him downstairs, a new toy for the car.
It's steering wheel for backseat drivers, with various sound effects, buttons and levers. Isaac quite likes it, but I don't know how Susanne will feel about it. It may require a volume modification before it makes it into her car. Mind you, the volume modification may be to make it louder, to drown out the arguments in the bag over who gets to play with it.

Here he is once we got it open and assembled. Well, almost assembled, it actually has a rod with a suction cup for attaching to the side window. We tried improvising by putting on top of the T-ball stick, but Isaac was happier once he'd removed all the extraneous bits and just held it in his hands.

The second bit of booty was a bag of cookies, or as Isaac refers to them "Bikky bikky bikky!".
I wonder if kids can suffer from induced ADD through having too many toys to choose from? Probably not, but there are other risks:

1. Trip hazards. Most of the toys are actually put away. What's shown here is just the typical "base set" of cars and people the kids use to keep their games going happily. I think Elissa is in the picture somewhere.

2. Overcrowding. It's difficult bathing either of the kids amongst this lot, never mind both of them. Of course, they still manage to argue over them. Usually it's the Dora toys that are in highest demand.
This is an actual shot after bath time. There are still some toys not shown, on the floor and in the shower.
Needless to say, we can probably take bath toys of the wish list.
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