While Derrick and I carefully shared a couple of kilograms worth of nails between the floorboards and and the scrub turkeys below, Norm put up the four corner posts. This means we've now measured the various distances, so that Norm can order the stainless cables and fittings to complete the rails.
Another weekend of work ought to see the railings go up, and perhaps even eliminate the need to walk the plank(s) to get in and out.

I didn't venture underneath the house just to get the shot, rather, it was just one of the many trips I made in order to pick up the hammer, screwdriver, clamp or piece of timber that I'd dropped through the not-quite-finished deck.

Norm obviously did a pretty good job of estimating the amount of timber required. When we nailed in the last board on Sunday afternoon, we had none of the longer lengths left, and only a handful of shorter lengths and offcuts to spare.

It fells quite different under foot too. Not only because the boards are no longer cracked and weather worn, but also because for most of the floor we've added new supports between the old ones, and not just replaced them, meaning the spans are, on average, only half of what they used to be.
You can see all of the photo's I took on this flickr page.
If you want to compare this with the last bunch of photo's I took, they are in this post. Copying the links from that older post:
All the pictures I took from April 2007 are here.
All the pictures I took from February 2008 are here.
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