Monday, 5 November 2007

They're still growing

I took some more pictures of the kids for the continuing collage I've been doing. I'm going to have to come up with a better way of displaying them soon, as they're getting too wide to view at a reasonable resolution.

Elissa has certainly grown. You've got to love the "Princess Liar" T-shirt. Believe it or not, I had nothing to do with the purchase of that shirt. One day soon enough she'll understand the reference. She already knows who R2-D2 and C3-PO are. Not because they're my favourite characters, (they're not), but I do have two large figurines of these two (the 20-30 cm size) which she has played with.

Isaac has probably had more of a spurt, which is probably not surprising considering his age. It's a little hard to tell what's a real spurt, and what's simply the variation in time periods between photo's. I'm simply too lazybusy to make them exactly the same time apart each time, but in hindsight, I've been reasonably consistent.

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