Sunday 3 February 2008

Dangerous things

I saw a video online recently, titled "5 Dangerous things you should let your kids do". I agree with most of it, at least in principle. Click here to have a look, it's an interesting clip and not too long.

Of course, the word "let" is key here. What you let them do, and what they just decide to do regardless aren't necessarily the same thing. I'd still estimate about 50% odds that Isaac will have a trip to casualty before he's 2. He's generally far more reckless/adventurous than Elissa was at the same age. This could just be my (admittedly inaccurate) memory, but I don't think so, or it least it's not entirely that.

Photoset on flickrHere he is playing with random tools from the toolbox in my office. Keeping the lid closed and fastened used to be enough. Seeing him play with the locks now, I'm not convinced he wouldn't get in himself. Elissa loves getting tools out too, for that matter, it could be me or Elissa he's emulating, I suppose.

Photoset on flickrIsaac servicing a computer. There's no power connected to this box,so the only real risk is the tool itself. (Not counting the risk to the computer)

Both he and Elissa love playing with the 3.5" floppy drives. It actually makes a pretty good toy. Once you get the disk inserted correctly, it rewards you with a nice loud "clunk" and pops a button out, which is just perfect for pressing. Rinse, repeat. I've probably got a dead one (or four) around the place, what's one more toy for the toybox?

Photoset on flickrI was in the bathroom downstairs, when Isaac wandered in, had a look around, grabbed the stool for the basin, and took it into the shower. He put it straight under the taps, climbed up, and proceeded to attempt to turn them on, as pictured.

When he couldn't get the desired result, he shuffled over to his right, grabbed the rightmost tap with his left hand, dangling his right foot in mid air, and had his right hand flailing around at random in the soap dish for whatever might be in there. Foiled again, it was empty.

I don't have a photo of that, as by that point I'd moved in in case he fell. The comments at the top of this post notwithstanding, I'm not totally irresponsible, there's no need to call DOCS just yet.

This video is just general purpose silly behaviour. With Isaac copying Elissa's dancing efforts. They're playing together interactively far more these days, as opposed to just playing near each other.

Note that his last action is to start climbing onto the bench seat.

He's taken to spinning in circles, as in the video, a bit lately, I'm not sure if it's the spinning itself that's the most fun, or the dizziness afterwards. He'll also occasionally put a cloth / T-shirt / pillow over his face to play peek-a-boo, as per the international I-can't-see-you-so-you-can't-see-me rules. This is pretty normal behavior, I'm sure, and quite harmless, except that occasionally he'll start walking around with his head still covered. They're only bruises, I suppose.

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